High Purity Arsenic-Copper Alloy: Suppliers, Manufacturers and Exporters. Store with Caution, Avoid Exposure.

2023-04-22 16:13:20 By : admin
Arsenic-copper alloy, also known as Copper Arsenic Alloy, is a unique alloy composed of copper and arsenic. It is commonly used in the manufacturing of electrical wiring, plumbing fixtures, and various other industrial applications. This alloy has a long history of usage, dating back to the Bronze Age, making it one of the oldest man-made materials still in use today.

Composition and Properties:
Arsenic-copper alloy - Arsenic-copper alloy Suppliers,Arsenic-copper alloy Manufacturers,Arsenic-copper alloy Exporters

Arsenic-copper alloys typically contain between 1-5% arsenic by weight, with the remaining composition being copper. The exact composition of the alloy can be adjusted to meet specific industrial requirements. It provides several notable properties, which include excellent electrical conductivity, high tensile strength, excellent corrosion resistance, and the ability to form into complex shapes.

Uses of Arsenic-copper Alloy:

Due to these unique properties, the Arsenic-copper Alloy finds various applications in industries, including electrical equipment, heat exchange equipment, and corrosion-resistant components. Here are some of the most common applications of Copper Arsenic Alloy:

1. Electrical Wiring:

Arsenic-copper alloy is an excellent conductor of electricity and is, therefore, a widely used material for electrical wiring. It is commonly found in power transmission lines, electrical motors, and household wiring.

2. Plumbing fixtures:

Arsenic-copper alloys exhibit good corrosion resistance, making them ideal for plumbing fixtures like valves and fittings.

3. Heat exchangers:

This alloy's excellent thermal conductivity enables it to work efficiently as a heat exchanger, with a wide range of applications, including refrigeration and air conditioning systems.

4. Marine Engineering:

Arsenic-copper alloys have high resistance to seawater and briny conditions, so they are used for marine engineering purposes, such as propellers, fittings, and fastenings.

Advantages of Arsenic-copper Alloy:

One of the significant advantages of the Arsenic-copper alloy is its superior corrosion resistance, which makes it less susceptible to damage and increases its overall lifespan. Additionally, this alloy has high tensile strength, making it perfect for applications that require durability and strength. Finally, it is ductile, making it susceptible to forming into complex shapes, which is useful in various industrial applications.

Precaution while using Arsenic-copper Alloy:

While using the Arsenic-copper alloy, handling precautions should be kept in mind. Arsenic is a toxic substance, so it is not recommended to breathe in the dust or fumes produced during processes like welding, grinding, or heating. Also, it's important not to ingest or come into direct contact with the alloy.


Arsenic-copper alloy, or Copper Arsenic Alloy, is an essential material for industrial purposes due to its unique properties such as excellent electrical conductivity, high tensile strength, and exceptional corrosion resistance. It has been used in society for thousands of years and will continue to play an essential role in various industries, including electrical equipment, plumbing fixtures, and marine engineering. However, it should be used with care to avoid any harmful effects to our environment and personal health.